
Product Updates

The latest updates and improvements to the Visible application.
Product Updates
How to Further Customize Your Investor Updates
Visible Updates allow founders to send beautiful investor updates via email, link, and PDF. To help founders even further customize their updates, we’ve got two new releases to our update editor. Check them out below: Improved Text Alignment You can now align text on the left, right, and center. Highlight the text you’d like to re-align and select your alignment, as shown in the screenshot above. Change Text Color Easily change the color of your text in Visible Updates. Want to show a positive growth month in green? No problem. Select the text and the color, as shown in the screenshot above. Check out the editor improvements and draft your next investor update below:
Product Updates
Streamlining Requests: 3 Founder Friendly Improvements
We pride ourselves on building the most founder-friendly and frictionless tools on the market. We’re excited to announce three new ways we are changing the game for how founders can share data and report back to their investors. Let’s take a step back for a moment. Founders are tasked with many roles. In addition to building a product, hiring top talent, and growing their business, founders must manage relationships with current and potential investors. As an investor, collecting the data most useful to your firm can feel like a balancing act, as you need enough data for your LPs and your portfolio insights. However, great investors want to respect the founder's bandwidth and being overly burdensome. Our recent set of Visible Request improvements has bridged the reporting gap and made sharing data with investors easier for founders. Check out three recent improvements to help make things easier for your founders below: Pre-Fill Data Points With Known Data Firms using Visible are getting portfolio company data into Visible in multiple ways, with requests, uploading historical data, and using the Visible AI Inbox. This means they already have data points in Visible for some portfolio companies when sending a Visible Request. With pre-filling data points, you now have the option to allow founders to use existing data points when filling out a request. Founders will have a chance to review exisitng data and fill in any gaps. View Historical Request Responses When completing a Visible Request, it can be helpful for founders to have context of their previous responses. For founders completing Visible Requests, they can now compare the current requests with their historical responses to help ensure they’re sharing the same information from request to request. Autosaving Requests Lastly, we now securely autosave partial completions when completing Visible Requests. Founders can also sign up for their free Visible account to save progress (cross-browser) and collaborate with their executives. Leverage Founders First Tools for Your Firm Ready to build a powerful portfolio monitoring system for your firm while staying founder first? Schedule a call with our team to learn how you can use Visible to centralize portfolio company data, build powerful dashboards, and uncover new insights.
Product Updates
Metrics and data
Product Update: Turn Emails Into Insights With Visible AI Inbox
Structured data. The holy grail of business intelligence. Structured data unlocks a realm of possibilities, from setting benchmarks to enhancing decision-making processes. Yet, in the venture capital landscape, accessing reliable, structured data remains a formidable challenge. This is precisely why we created the Visible AI Inbox. With unique features like automated metric detection and file parsing, the Visible AI Inbox stands out as a pioneering solution for portfolio monitoring. Discover how it can transform your data strategy by meeting with our team. Turning email into insights We believe that investors should spend time sourcing new deals and helping founders, not manually copying and pasting data from email 🙂. The AI Inbox helps aggregate insights that exist siloed in data, files, and updates across a venture firm. Updates from founders often stay stuck in one team member's inbox because it's too time-consuming to extract and enter the data and files into a more centralized repository. Visible AI Inbox makes this possible within seconds. Requests + AI Inbox = A Complete Picture The addition of the AI Inbox continues to advance our market-leading portfolio monitoring solution. The pairing of Requests + the AI Inbox will give investors a holistic view of portfolio company performance across a fund. Visible continues to be the most founder-friendly tool on the market. We’ll continue to build tools in existing workflows where both founders and investors live every day. How Does it Work? Visible AI Inbox works in three simple steps. Forward emails to a custom AI inbox email address Visible AI automatically maps data and files to portfolio companies Investors can review and approve content before it is saved From there, dashboards, tear sheets, and reports are all automatically updated on Visible. Learn more about how Visible AI Inbox can streamline workflows at your firm by meeting with our team. FAQ Will this be available on all plans? Visible AI Inbox is only available on certain plans. Get in touch with your dedicated Investor Success Manager if you want to explore adding this to your account. How is Visible addressing privacy and security with Visible AI Inbox? No data submitted through the OpenAI API is used to train OpenAI models or improve OpenAI’s service offering. Visible AI Inbox leverages OpenAI GPT 4 and proprietary prompts to extract data in a structured way and import it into Visible. If you’re uncomfortable with utilizing OpenAI to optimize your account, you can choose not to utilize this feature. Please feel free to reach out to our team with any further questions. These processes adhere to the guidelines outlined in Visible’s privacy policy and SOC 2 certification. Visible AI Inbox Best Practices We'll be sharing best practices for how investors are leveraging Visible AI Inbox in our bi-weekly newsletter, the Visible Edge. Stay in the loop with best practices and product updates by subscribing below:
Product Updates
Integrate Your Tech Stack With Visible + Zapier
Accessing portfolio data and information across your tech stack is a surefire way to streamline your firm’s operations. To help you connect your reporting tech stack, we’ve built new Zapier triggers and actions. With our improved Zapier integration, you can now: Trigger a Zapier action when a Visible Request is completed Create a portfolio company in Visible (based on a Zapier action) Create or update a contact in Visible (based on a Zapier action) Visible + Zapier Examples Check out a few examples below to see how firms are putting Visible + Zapier to use for their workflows: When a Visible Request is completed → send a Slack message When a Visible Request is completed → update records in Affinity, 4Degrees, Notion, or your CRM When a new company is added to Affinity, 4Degrees, Notion, or your CRM → Create a new portfolio company in Visible Get Started With Visible + Zapier Learn more about how you can set up Zapier + Visible to integrate your tech stack by scheduling a call with our team below:
Product Updates
Improve Workflows With the Visible + Airtable Integration
"This just made my reporting life 100x easier" — Olivia O'Sullivan, Forum Ventures Jay Baer said, “We are surrounded by data but starved for insights.” Having a system to leverage your data to uncover insights takes a venture capital firm’s operations from good to best-in-class. With the Visible + Airtable integration, you can automatically send reports from Visible to an Airtable database. Check out the portfolio information that can be exported from Visible Reports below: Company Properties (Ex: Sector, HQ location, Recent Updates) Investment Properties (Ex: Latest Price Per Share, Ownership %) Metrics/KPIs with custom insights (Ex: Revenue, Revenue QoQ) Learn more about how you can leverage Visible + Airtable for your firm by booking a call with our team below: How it Works Export your Visible Reports to an Airtable database with two clicks. Simply navigate to the report you’d like to export, connect your Airtable account, and sit back while your Visible Report is automatically sent to Airtable. From here, combine data with existing data in Airtable to streamline reporting and uncover new insights across your fund. Put Visible + Airtable to Work for Your Firm Ready to level up your portfolio management and reporting at your firm? Schedule a call with our team to learn more about how you can leverage Visible to centralize portfolio company data, uncover insights, and power your LP reporting and team meetings.
Product Updates
Product Update: Uncover Key Insights About Investor Activity
Understanding which investors are engaging the most with your fundraising assets such as Visible Decks, Visible Updates, and Visible Data Rooms gives you insight into where to best spend time during the fundraising process. A New Contact Activity Page With this latest product update, we've made it easier to discover important engagement activity from the investor contacts stored on Visible. You can use these contact insights to determine who your most engaged investors are and when is best to follow up next. The updated contact page now displays all properties, engagement trends, recent activity, and the latest shared items, all in one view. Check Out Your Investor Activity Ready to see how investors are engaging with your Visible assets? Log into Visible below to take a look at the new contact pages for your investors:
Product Updates
Product Update: Seamless Dashboard Management
Visualizing and analyzing portfolio data is an important part of taking portfolio monitoring seriously at any venture firm. Visible makes this easy with four different dashboard types: Flexible dashboards Portfolio metric dashboards Fund performance dashboards Tear sheets (which have the same functionality as flexible dashboards but are restricted to a one-page format) Related resource: Unlocking Venture Capital Portfolio Insights with Dashboards In these latest product updates, Visible makes it easier for VCs to maintain data visualization accuracy and ensure that the qualitative information about portfolio companies is as up-to-date as possible on flexible dashboards. The main reason VCs create flexible dashboards on Visible is to support their internal portfolio review meetings. These meetings help VC firms align on the progress updates across the portfolio and make strategic decisions related to portfolio support and follow-on investments. Keep reading to understand how recent product updates make it even easier to manage and update data visualizations on Visible's flexible dashboards. Recent Dashboard Management Product Updates Setting date ranges at the dashboard level With this product update, investors can filter entire dashboards by a custom date range in addition to setting specific date ranges at the widget level. This streamlines the dashboard creation and maintenance process. Automatically updated company highlights and lowlights Investors can now request properties in Visible Requests and when companies submit their responses to qualitative questions, the property widgets are automatically updated on dashboards. This saves investors several steps in the process of making qualitative updates from their companies accessible to their wider team. Editing properties inline on dashboards This update lets investors quickly edit the property values displayed on portfolio company dashboards. Examples of properties commonly updated include: "Recent updates" "Company description" "Notes" "Last discussed" Giving users the ability to edit properties directly on a dashboard means investors don't have to navigate back and forth between the dashboards and properties section to make changes to their dashboards.
Product Updates
Metrics and data
Product Update: Fund performance dashboard templates for VCs
Fund performance dashboard templates are here Fund performance dashboard templates empower investors to build a best practice investment overview dashboard in 2-clicks and easily share it with stakeholders or team members. How it works Ensure your investment data is up to date in Visible and then select which fund data you want to visualize. Visible automatically creates a dashboard based on best practices. The dashboard includes key fund data and insights that help investors understand and communicate how their fund is performing. From there, the user can customize the dashboard by adding or removing widgets, changing the layout, changing colors, adding commentary and more. The dashboard can then be duplicated and applied to different funds. Fund metrics supported in Visible Visible supports over 25 fund metrics and calculated insights including: Total invested Average investment amount Total number of investments Number of exits Capital remaining Follow on capital deployed Gross IRR Net IRR Multiple Total capital called New capital deployed % of fund called Realized FMV RVPI TVPI DPI Management fees Capital called Escrow Expenses Carried interest Distributions and more Learn more about the key fund metrics and calculated insights supported in Visible here.
Product Updates
How Founders Leveraged Visible in 2023
For the venture capital world, 2023 has largely been characterized by slowed fundraising activity. Over the year, we’ve seen thousands of founders utilize Visible to update investors, track key metrics, and manage their fundraising efforts. Learn more about how founders utilized Visible to strengthen relationships with current and potential investors during a challenging year below: Update Your Investors Over 672,000 investors received a Visible Update in 2023. The average Visible Update was sent to 56 investors — more than the number of current investors most founders have. We’ve seen founders leverage updates to nurture their potential investors to help strengthen relationships for when it is time to “actively” raise.” Check out a few Visible Update features we released in 2023 below: Build out updates using best practices from other founders with content blocks Add past updates to your Visible Data Room to help show potential investors your commitment to communication Turn your Visible Requests from investors into a shareable update with Visible AI Share Your Pitch Deck With 61,000+ Visible Deck views in 2023, we can learn how founders approach their pitch deck sharing. Like previous years, July and August saw pitch deck sharing slow down with activity picking up in October and November — surpassing activity from the spring and early 2023. We found that pitch decks with 12 or fewer slides receive the most activity/views from investors. Check out a few of the Visible Deck features we released in 2023 below: Add decks directly to your Visible Data Room Move investors down your fundraising funnel with call-to-actions Build Your Data Room We launched Visible Data Rooms in 2023! With data rooms, you can now manage all parts of your fundraising funnel with Visible. Find investors with Connect, our free investor database. Track your conversations in our Fundraising CRM. Share your pitch deck with potential investors. And communicate with current and potential investors with Updates. Over 30,000 files were uploaded to Visible Data Rooms in 2023. Learn more about data room improvements we released in 2023 below: Share your Visible Data Room via link Add a call-to-action to your Visible Data Room to help move investors down your funnel Preview documents and PDFs directly in data rooms Manage Your Fundraise Founders created 2,800+ Visible Pipelines in 2023. Like Decks, we saw the number of pipelines being created slow in the summer and pick back up in the fall — a promising sign for 2024. As fundraising has slowed in 2023, founders are utilizing Visible Pipelines to keep tabs on their ongoing conversations so they can raise faster when the time is right. Learn more about some of the Visible Pipeline features we released in 2023: Add multiple investors from Visible Connect, our free investor database, to your fundraising pipeline in one click. Better navigate between investors and stages with our new fundraising table and UI Automatically log conversations outside of Visible with BCC Track Key Metrics A core role of a startup founder is to track high-level metrics and share them with investors and stakeholders. For first-time founders, determining which metrics to track and who to share them with can be intimidating. To help, we analyzed our data to find what the most commonly tracked and shared metrics in Visible were in 2023: Revenue Cash Balance Runway Gross Profit FTE Headcount Check out some of the improvements we made to dashboards, metrics, and integrations in 2023 below: Display changes to key metrics with waterfall charts Liven up your charts with gradient charting options Improve dashboard sharing with our improved widget and dashboard design.
Product Updates
Product Update: Conditional blocks supported in Visible Requests
Visible now lets investors add conditional blocks to a Request. This equips investors to build even more founder-friendly data Requests by only asking for relevant details from companies that meet certain conditions. What are conditional blocks? Conditional blocks are displayed only in a Request when a company meets predefined criteria (or condition) set by an investor. This way investors can keep Requests sent to portfolio companies as concise as possible. Related resource: What metrics should I be collecting from my portfolio companies? Examples of using conditional blocks in a Request An example of when an investor might add a conditional block to a Request is when an investor is collecting information related to companies' recent fundraising. In the example below an investor is asking for additional fundraising details based on the condition that the company is actively fundraising. By using a conditional block, companies who are not fundraising will not be asked questions that are not relevant to them. Over 350+ VCs use Visible to streamline their portfolio monitoring and reporting.
Product Updates
Product Update: Investment overview table
What's new The investment overview table on portfolio company profiles is now more comprehensive. In addition to portfolio data collection tools, Visible also empowers VC firms with a source of truth for their portfolio investment records. Visible's investment data solution is more accessible and easy to digest than the status quo Excel file master sheet that many firms rely on... but don't really trust. With this recent update to our investment data tracking solution, we've made the overview table on companies' profiles more comprehensive so you can see the history of changes to fair market values and exits all in one view. Previously changes to fair market value were handled in a separate window which required users to take additional steps to make edits. What's included in a portfolio companies investment table overview The following details are included in a companies investment table overview: Direct investment details Visible supports the following investment types Equity, SAFE, Convertible Note, Debt, Token, and other Follow on investment details Visible lets investors track rounds even if they do not participate Changes to fair market value Visible lets users document the FMV justification, notes, and who it was approved by Exits Visible empowers investors to keep track of exit details which keeps their fund metrics up-to-date and accurate Related resource: VC Fund Performance Metrics 101 (and why they matter to LPs) Learn more about Visible's investment data tracking capabilities by meeting with our team.
Product Updates
2023 Product Highlights | Visible's portfolio monitoring and reporting solution for investors
This year Visible made it even easier for investors to collect important information from their portfolio companies, transform it into meaningful insights, and share engaging updates with their teams and stakeholders. 2023 by the numbers 8k+ - The number of portfolio companies actively monitored on Visible 92k+ - The number of reminder emails investors didn't have to send 12k+ - The number of LP Updates sent to investors Check out Visible's highlighted 2023 product updates below. Updates to getting data into Visible Over 350+ VC funds are using Visible to streamline the way they collect and centralize data from their portfolio companies. Here's how the recent product updates make this process even easier. Automatically import KPI data with Visible’s Portfolio metric import tool. (Learn more) Request information from portfolio companies based on conditional logic. (Learn more) Easily collect 6 periods of historical and forecast data from your companies. (Learn more) Schedule a One-time Request to collect any data on a one-off basis. (Learn more) Ask for property information in Requests to keep company profiles up to date. (Learn more) Updates to transforming data into meaningful insights To get the most value out of portfolio data, investors need tools that make it easy to transform the data into portfolio intelligence. Visible's data analysis tools help investors unlock insights to improve the way they provide support and inform investment decisions. Compare performance across your portfolio with Portfolio metric dashboards. (Learn more) Customize and scale your LP reporting with Tear sheets. (Learn more) Slice and dice portfolio data with Segment metrics. (Learn more) Save time by applying a Dashboard template to all your companies. (Learn more) Updates to communicating portfolio information with stakeholders The most valuable types of insights are the ones that are easiest to communicate and share with others. Keep reading to learn how Visible made it even easier for investors to keep key stakeholders up to date. Integrate qualitative responses from companies directly into your Tear Sheets and Dashboards. Learn more. Track, visualize, and share 25+ fund metrics including IRR, MOIC, TVPI, DPI and more. Learn more. Portfolio companies can turn responses to Requests into narrative updates using Visible AI. Learn more. Join a community of over 350+ VCs streamlining their portfolio monitoring and reporting with Visible.
Product Updates
Product Update: Analyze Your Portfolio Data with Segment Metrics
Visible recently released Segment Metrics, a premium portfolio insights tool for VCs. The solution empowers investors to answer key questions about their portfolio performance in seconds instead of hours. How investors can unlock portfolio insights faster with Segment Metrics With Segment Metrics investors can find insights related to the sum, average, minimum, and maximum for any custom segment of their portfolio metric data and investment values. Example Segment Insights Examples of insights that can be uncovered with Segment Metrics include: The amount invested in female founders vs non-female founders The breakdown of investments based on sector, geography, and stage A comparison of revenue across seed-stage investments Investors can keep track of these insights by embedding the data visualizations on flexible, shareable dashboards in Visible as shown in the example below. Learn more about setting up Segment metrics in our Knowledge Base. Learn More About Visible Visible has a suite of tools to help with portfolio data analysis including Robust, flexible dashboards that can be used for Internal Portfolio Review meetings Portfolio metric dashboards to help with cross-portfolio insights Learn more about how 400+ Venture Capital investors use Visible to streamline their portfolio monitoring and reporting.
Product Updates
Product Update: Visible AI Updates
Did you know that 60% of investors don't hear from their portfolio companies on a regular basis? This means that the startups sending regular communications to their investors stand out the most. In fact, startups that provide regular investor updates are 3x more likely to receive follow-on funding. Making the time to write a compelling investor update regularly can be challenging for startup founders. This is where Visible AI Updates comes in. What is Visible AI Updates Visible AI Updates automatically turns Visible Request responses that portfolio companies submit to Visible into a narrative Update that startups can use to share with other investors and stakeholders. This equips founders to send regular, professional communications to all their greatest supporters (and sources of follow-on capital), with ease. Learn more about Visible AI updates and how you can leverage it with your Visible account below. How it Works Visible AI Updates is available to founders who are completing Visible data Requests from their investors. Using the metrics and qualitative answers from a data Request, Visible AI Updates adds context and builds charts to turn the information into a Visible Update that can be shared with other investors and stakeholders. Visible AI Update Example Using the qualitative answers and data included in your Request, we’ll help you turn the response into an Update using the following logic: “{Company Name} Investor Update” — For example, “Acme Co Investor Update” In order to create the content of the update we built a prompt for OpenAI that contains questions and answers from the request. We will create charts and tables for any metrics using the following logic: If a metrics question contains >3 metrics we will create a single table with all these metrics within the update Otherwise, we create bar charts for each metric in the question. Note: if a metric only has a single data point we will create a number chart instead. As always, we recommend reviewing your Update and making sure all of the content is correct and fits your voice. You can check out the full example of the Update here. Visible AI Updates Takeaways Providing investor updates regularly increases your likelihood of success and your ability to fundraise Visible AI transforms your Requests responses into a professional narrative update that you can share with all your stakeholders The Future of Visible AI This is our first introduction of AI into the Visible platform. In the months ahead we plan on exploring AI models to help with fundraising email copy, identifying potential investors for your business, and more. We are always looking for feedback. Feel free to share your AI-related ideas to support at visible dot vc.
Product Updates
Q3 Product Webinar – Streamlining end of year reporting with Visible
Check out Visible’s recorded product webinar to learn about the most recent updates to Visible’s portfolio monitoring and reporting platform. The Visible team demonstrates how to leverage recent product changes to improve your portfolio reporting in Q4 and beyond. Product webinar topics: Common use cases for one-time Requests and how to set them up Saving time by syncing company qualitative responses to Dashboards and One-Pagers Exporting data to Google Sheets for external analysis and reporting Embedding a dashboard in Notion to share with your team Q&A
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